Owl-Parchment on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/owl-parchment/art/Sea-Crystal-in-Armor-431098572Owl-Parchment

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Sea Crystal in Armor



This is my Fishy-Tail pony. Her name is Sea Crystal, and her special ability is to walk on water. She is also very good at controlling water, and making statues out of it. She then petrifies the sculpture, sealing it permanently. The eanding appearance of her sculptures look like crystals, and are as hard as diamonds.

Info about the Fishy-Tail ponies here: :iconfishy-tail-ponies:

This is Sea Crystal's special armor. It is very light, but very durable. I used this image for the original picture, then modified it greatly.
Credit goes where credit is due.
Image size
937x852px 252.71 KB
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RainbowShimmers's avatar
She reminds me of the Owls of ghahoule