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EH: Flower Shop



I have long been a fan of visual novels, and their backgrounds and art direction, so I was thrilled when I was approached with a commission to develop a series of backgrounds for the in-development visual novel, "Errant Heart".

For those not in the know, visual novels are a type of adventure game, mostly popular in Japan, where the player follows a written story and makes choices which lead the story into multiple branches. The graphics usually consist of high-res static 2D character sprites and background images.

The story of Errant Heart takes place mostly in the fictional town of San Moritz, which is based around an Italian town in the 1940s. I ended up doing a series of 7 exterior shots of different locations seen throughout the town. Each image has 4 variations, depending on time of day and weather, making a total of 28 images which were produced over a period of 3 weeks. Each background was created using a combination of 3D and digital painting.

You can find the full set of backgrounds that I produced elsewhere in my gallery.

As of this writing the visual novel is early in development and does not have a set release date. I encourage you to try it out when it comes out.

All images are ©2010 Pseudome Studio LLC. All rights reserved. Used with permission.
Image size
1478x1000px 1.19 MB
© 2010 - 2024 owen-c
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westernwinds's avatar
Lovely scene.  I have a farmer market scene I have been working on as part of a group animation project, and it has been a challenge to get the warm look to it that you have!  Any pointers?