oviotti on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/oviotti/art/Tile-Wallpapers-802964952oviotti

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Tile - Wallpapers



[UPDATE] Remastered and added more color choices: now available in Bubblegum, Mint and Wildberry, with options for light or dark mode, making a total of 6 options. Available for iMac (5K), iPad, iPhone and MacBooks (13" and 15"). Also available as a dynamic wallpapers that cycle according to light and dark mode.

One of the many i use on the Tile OS icon pack. There are two variations, light and dark, and its available for iMac (5K), iPad, iPhone and MacBooks (13" and 15").

You can find the previous version here . You can also find the previous dynamic version on the Dynamic Wallpaper Club, wich you can find here
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