Mobile Mojave - Wallpapersoviotti on DeviantArt

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oviotti's avatar

Mobile Mojave - Wallpapers



I took my Minimal Mojave wallpapers and remade them in new color variations, this time for mobile devices only (maybe someday i'll update the original deviation with the new combinations for desktops and iPad).

It includes the original colors and 10 more variations, making a total of 12 wallpapers:
 - Six are different moments of the day: Dawn, Morning, Day, Twilight, Night, Midnight
 - The other six are different environments in day and night options: Snow, Mars and Venus 

I personally use Midnight on my lock screen and Twilight in my home screen, but of course you can match them as you like...
© 2022 - 2025 oviotti
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ActuallyHidden's avatar

Can you make more like this type of wallpaper, they so clean and minimal!