IconLAB: Illustrator, Photoshop and Premiereoviotti on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/oviotti/art/IconLAB-Illustrator-Photoshop-and-Premiere-1014646535oviotti

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IconLAB: Illustrator, Photoshop and Premiere


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I have made a lot of icons for the Adobe suite, like this, or this, or maybe this... this one too and of course this one. The truth is i love making them.. why?
  1. the default ones look dull
  2. i look at some of them almost every day
  3. since they're quite basic (the initials of the app on a background) i can try many different things
This is the result of some experimentation i've done... some were made years, some months and others just days ago... I never made an icon pack for the whole suite with these designs for different reasons, so i decided to share them as a new edition of IconLAB, this time for Illustrator, Photoshop and Premiere (i chose them because they're the most used...). They're available as ICNS, ICO and PNG.

Previous IconLAB editions include Pocket Casts,  Launchpad, Google Chrome, iTunes and Shazam.

I may release a standalone pack with the "Mirage" design in the future... though it probably won't include all the Adobe apps, maybe something similar to Adobe Suite - Tools...
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Do you have the classic and max versions for other adobe apps?