
Brown Eyes Compliments, and Analogies

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Because I'm sick of people saying there aren't any.

Your brown eyes are like the deep intoxication of campaign wine, bubbling with hazing richness and expensive taste.

Your brown eyes are like the color of mahogany wood- comforting and home-steady toughness that lets me know you will be the beams of supporting me.

Your eyes remind me of Dove chocolate, smooth, creamy, delectable, and melting.

The color of brown eyes remind me of mountain terrain and nature, something subtle, but beautiful in every form and season.

Brown eyes make me think of Devil's cake, taunting and tempting, curtained by black lashes, the symbol of rich seduction.

When brown eyes delve in love, they become the color of a leather book, promising a story of loyalty, long-life, and devotion.

Your brown eyes remind me of mysterious secrets, dark to cover the pain of ignorance, opaque to cover to want of another.

Brown eyes are like the stable ground, steadier and prepared to embrace you when you fall, into a nurturing and warm blanket of love.

The color of brown is like the color of finches- tangible, but always able to soar with coaxing an indulgence.

Brown eyes remind me of ginger bread, with a spicy exoticism that makes mouths water in layered taste.

Brown eyes symbol the chestnut horse's gate, wild and free and untamed in its natural state.

Brown eyes are the color of nurturing, soft passion, and a color taken for granted by those too picky.

Brown eyes are like the cuddles of a coco teddy bear- snuggling, inviting, and unquestionable at comforting and calming you.

Brown is the color of the sun's kisses, so brown eyes are the sun's ultimate love in heated warmth showing compassion and silent understanding in the sun's favor.

Brown eyes are like the nutrient earth, allowing life to foster and thrive, receiving health and without question- a crutch to lean on when feeling weak.

Now, please never say brown eyes are too common, which makes them boring. If blue eyes were too common, it would be switched around. So appreciate someone by what that person is, not by how rare they are or how common they may be.
I am just SO SICK of people saying brown eyes are boring and ununique, excuse us, we were born that way. We apologize.
Crituque is welcomed, though I'm sure most of you will either insult brown eyes or something, but go ahead, it's how we learn.
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A guy I like said the only thing brown eyes are compared to is 💩

So happy I can prove him wrong/give him a well deserved compliment