overmood's avatar


The Procrastinator.
23 Watchers214 Deviations

Envy by overmood, literature

Towards the Sea by overmood, literature

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Cities by overmood, literature

Living As Dead by overmood, literature

Towards the Sea by overmood, literature

Rat Races by overmood, literature

Pride (A Poem) by overmood, literature

Outcast by overmood, literature

Gluttony (A Poem) by overmood, literature

QUACK, QUACK! by overmood, literature

A Chess Piece by overmood, literature

Sloth (A Poem) by overmood, literature


Deviation Spotlight

Artist // Hobbyist // Varied
  • Oct 7, 1984
  • Egypt
  • Deviant for 16 years
  • He / Him
Bronze Fragment: If this was the Olympics, you’d have made the podium!
Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (88)
My Bio
Current Residence: Cairo
Favourite genre of music: Classical
Operating System: Ubuntu (Linux)
Favourite cartoon character: The Pink Panther, Mickey Mouse, Scar (The Lion King)
Personal Quote: Without aspiration for creativity, life is no more a journey than your trip to the bathroom is.

Favourite Visual Artist
M.C.Escher, Rembrandt, Claude Monet, John Groves, Arthur Rackham
Favourite Movies
The Lion King, Forrest Gump, Memento, Valkyrie
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Beethoven, Bryan Adams, U2, REM, BonJovi, Greenday, Omar Faruk Tekbilek....
Favourite Books
The Last Hours of Ancient Sunlight, The Last Lecture
Favourite Writers
Ahmad Shawki, AbulKassem AlShabi, William Wordsworth, Shakespeare, Charles Dickens,....
Favourite Games
Chess, Civilization, Mafia, Tekken
Favourite Gaming Platform
Tools of the Trade
Camera, Pencil, PC
Other Interests
Science, History, Art

Time :-/

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Ten Years Ago!

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Ten years ago, I had nothing to do with arts except as a consumer. But it was that year when I started experimenting with photography after getting my first mobile phone with a built-in camera. That was probably my first photograph, taken around 2003, with some artistic merit in it (in my opinion). The cheap effect and HDR imitation were added later just before submitting it on dA.
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I know I am late, but I just wanted to take the opportunity to share why I like deviantArt so much. I've known this website from 2005, and has been enjoying looking at the great artwork on it since then. Only in 2007 I felt that I can join and maybe put some of my snapshots and doodles on it. It is almost 6 years since I've been here as a member, and I think I've improve a lot, thanks to the influence of all the artists here. There's still a long way ahead for improvement, yet what really matters to me is the feeling enjoyment, and for that, the almost daily dose of deviantArt is still the primary source. These are some of my favorite master
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Profile Comments 153

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Thanks for the fav! :bow: :love: .

Thank you for the Watch! :aww:

Hi, and welcome to :iconthewrittenrevolution: theWrittenRevolution!
There are lots of things you can get involved in:

Bullet; Red we post monthly writing prompts (that include prizes, and a chat event during the month to help people with their pieces),

Bullet; Black publishing opportunities from other sites (whenever we come across one!),

Bullet; White we have a monthly feature that includes a deserving member, two of the best critiques we've seen during the month, and two helpful writing resources,

Bullet; Red frequent contests and workshops,

Bullet; Black a give to get critique requirement, which assures your work will get the attention it deserves,

Bullet; White bi-weekly crit chat opportunities if you feel you need even more feedback!

Please don't hesitate to contact any of our admin team if you have any questions. We're happy to have you onboard, so dive in! Welcome to the revolution. I salute you!
Thank you very much for the fave and comment! :)
Thanks so much for the fav!
Again, thank you for the favourites and your kind comments.
Like I said, your talent is amazing, but I have to admit it - your photography skills are amazing, too! I love your "In the Shadows" piece and everything about it. :)