" TaigaLife / OvermareX / Overmare / RainbowDashyy "
Christ, man. Those names, they were who I was at one point. The friends I had, the memories created, all seem like a past so far behind me. I miss them, I do. I don't think it's because of the show or anything, but mostly because of the community it harbored, and the close friendships I made.
I wish I never deleted all the work I created because I was ashamed at who I was. Overmare was more than just a wallpaper artist. I remember the Xbox community I started and the close friends I made and lost over the years. Honestly, that's what I miss the most. The late nights staying up with my friends from around the world, for some to fall asleep and get to say good morning to others. I loved them like brothers, and part of me still does I goes. From time to time I talk to an old friend I was ofrtunate enough to keep in touch with other Snapchat.
Skype was the real deal though. It's so weird to think how much time we all spend in a chatroom talking to each other, entire lives and schedules built around the communities we had created through it. Be it our wallpaper group, the xbox chat, mlplounge, you name it.
We are who we are today because of the events that occurred over the course of this show. To this day I have never felt so included in a community, and hope to one day be apart of something so big. Life has a funny way of bringing things full circle sometimes. I feel like I've like 3 different lives in my short soon to by 25 years of life.
So thank you so continuing to be who you are. The world needs more brave individuals to lead it.
I miss and love you all ~~