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Alrighty then!
This is a complete first for me.

=pixiepot requested an animation/bounce tutorial, and this is what I've tried to do. I wanted to be able to cater for a wide range of abilities and levels by including explanations of why things move the way they do, as well as summaries of the absolute basics for those who may be new to animation. I really hope that I managed that balance; that people who already know how to animate using GIMP weren't bored by the revisiting of basics, and that those of you who are new to animation weren't intimidated by the rest of it.

I also appreciate that... there's a heck of a lot there.

I drafted everything I wanted to say in a Word beforehand and trust me, I took out as much as I felt I could.

Succinct is definitely not the word - but I hope that at least some of what I was wittering on about was even a teeny bit helpful to someone.
If you're not familiar with GIMP (Gnu Image Manipulation Program), it's a free program similar to Photoshop, and I personally prefer it.
I would REALLY appreciate feedback on this one. Whether it's on the layout, design, explanations or even my animation methods - if you have an opinion, I'd love to hear it. Maybe you could drop me a critique.

Finally, I hope I managed to be useful! If you use my tutorial, come show me what you made - I'd love to see it.

This tutorial uses one of my deviations as an example.
"Kwerti Bounce" © *otohime0394
Kwerti © `SanguineEpitaph
Other helpful tutorials and resources:
"Syn's Emote Hints + Tips" by `Synfull
"Emoticon Tutorial" by ~12hc12
"Emote Base Pack, Take Two" by `stuck-in-suburbia
People who used this tutorial! Boing boing boing...

by Nice-Spice
by WTG62
by conniekidd
by Snowshi
by happy-gurl
by happy-gurl
by ridhogillang
by jeanawei1234
by piirustus
by ChinZaPep
by DJmotes
by saltshakercat
by Class-b-dragon
by Class-b-dragon
by Mini-Drachin
by Mirz123
Image size
1000x4282px 1.07 MB
© 2011 - 2025 otohime0394
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Well, as the person that had requested this tutorial, I feel it's only polite to critique.
I believe, if only you hadn't had a Daily Deviation on your October EMTC Entry then perhaps this would have got one. I for sure would have suggested it.
The layout in this tutorial is great. The spacing is wonderful, as is the balance between the images and the text. I love the font you've used too. Not only is it very legible, it is also fun and easy to digest.
Many informative tutorials on deviantART are long and rather boring. Not this. This tutorial keeps the reader interested and informed with images, colourful vocabulary and a fun format and layout.
Great job! I have already used this tutorial twice, and I know others have found it useful too! <img src="…" width="15" height="15" alt="