Hello! :D
Don't be scared at my empty page, I lost my Premium Membership, y'see...
I'm not really here enough any more to justify renewing it, so my profile is probably gonna look like this for a good while.
My name is Anna, I'm twenty-three years old and I live in England. I like to try all sorts of styles and mediums, depending on my mood and what I want to portray. I often feel like my gallery lacks 'serious' art, but I usually find that I channel my emotions through the process of creating, not necessarily by creating something that reflects those emotions back at me. Then again, it might just be that a lot of my work has no serious motive behind it.
I'm currently working full time and doing other such exciting adulty things, so I can't be around or creating art an awful lot. However, please feel free to contact me (via note is probably best) if you want help or have a question or just want to chat. I'm always happy to talk.
There's a song to ease your fear,
A song to take you far from here,
One for joy,
One for desire,
One for despair.