September 7, 1941OtisFrampton on DeviantArt

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OtisFrampton's avatar

September 7, 1941



This is a digital commission featuring a magazine that came out a few months before Pearl Harbor was attacked on Earth 1. Or is it Earth 2. Ack, an existential crisis!

This piece was drawn and colored in Photoshop CS4 using a Wacom Cintiq 21UX.

You can watch a recording of me working on this piece on my Ustream channel here: [link]

Go here to learn more about commissioning original or digital artwork from me: [link]

Image size
647x1000px 185.24 KB
© 2011 - 2025 OtisFrampton
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Drgyen's avatar
As a comic expert, any DC heroes like Superman appearing in WW2 takes place in Earth-Two. Regardless of continuity snarl, this is top notch.