Q Is For QuitterOtisFrampton on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/otisframpton/art/Q-Is-For-Quitter-458528664OtisFrampton

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Q Is For Quitter



Vacation, all I ever wanted...

Drawn and colored in Photoshop CS5 on a Cintiq 21UX.

Watch for a new "ABCDEFGeek" every Wednesday!

Volume 2 of "ABCDEFGeek" is currently in progress. Go here to see all of the current letters in Volume 2: otisframpton.deviantart.com/ga…

Go here to see all of Volume 2: otisframpton.deviantart.com/ga…

Go here to buy "ABCDEFGeek" prints! society6.com/OtisFrampton

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© 2014 - 2025 OtisFrampton
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rababco's avatar
Poor Obi-Wan, he looks so sad, like he needs a hug. Obi-Wan kind of makes sense because he probably fell into a deep depression after losing Anakin and didn't want to do much of anything. Plus, he probably had to deal with the guilt of failing Anakin and feeling like it was partly his fault that he became Vader. I don't know what Yoda's problem is, maybe he's just old.