FirefliesOtisFrampton on DeviantArt

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OtisFrampton's avatar




This is a digital commission featuring characters from some TV show. Or movie. I forget. Was it a comic book? It wasn't around long, that's all I remember. (UPDATE: That was a joke folks. Of course I know what "Firefly" is. You don't draw a commission for one of the longest running and highest rated animated shows on the Disney Channel without knowing what it is.)

This piece was drawn and colored in Photoshop CS4 using a Wacom Cintiq 21UX.

You can watch a recording of me working on this piece on my Ustream channel here: [link]

Go here to learn more about commissioning original or digital artwork from me: [link]


P.S. I have a new "Firefly" piece in my gallery as of May 10th, 2013:

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1000x571px 190.78 KB
© 2011 - 2025 OtisFrampton
anonymous's avatar
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RaiderSands's avatar
Now this is perfect. Whether it's Mal's constant frown, Wash's dinosaur collection... Hell Jayne's hat is really stealing the scene for me. You drew the Firefly crew bueatifully. Great pic.