UR-025 (Games Workshop)Othikent on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/othikent/art/UR-025-Games-Workshop-805952790Othikent

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Othikent's avatar

UR-025 (Games Workshop)



When Blackstone fortress was released and I heard of a Man Of Iron being among the minis I had to have one! Bought him separately and had him sitting around for a bit, and I finally decided to paint him up. Painted him up with the colors of my AdMech force and shaved off the Aquila. I'd love to get another one or two and modify them. But that's a project for another day.

Feedback appreciated
Image size
900x6284px 2.16 MB
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Dgs-Krieger's avatar
But wouldn't the lack of Aquila make him suspicious?