On The Huntotakuap on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/otakuap/art/On-The-Hunt-741772677otakuap

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otakuap's avatar

On The Hunt



this turned out better the i expected, it feels so nice to get draw something after not being able to think what to draw for waht feels like forever.
(also i just realized that i should probably draw the rest of the body one of these days.)

anyway i have yet to decide on a name for this character, the best i have is "Näkki Pony" as placeholder internally,(the Näkki is a lake monster/spirit in finnish mythology, the kind you tell your kids abbout to keep the from going near water.) but i dont really want to go with it because english keyboards don't have the "Ä" key, (the "Ä" is basically the more nicely pronunciation of "A" like in the words, hand or man.) and whit out the letter the word turns in to nakki whits is a type of sausage.
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HeliosFive's avatar
Adorable! Hah I was just poking about an old oc of mine also based off the näkken (swedish version of same being) and was just thinking 'that makes me think of näkken'.
Probably my favorite folktale creature. You did a good job!