Osokin on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/osokin/art/Your-Choice-is-Your-Way-123356777Osokin

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Daily Deviation

December 4, 2009
Your Choice is Your Way by ~Osokin is a very well done wallpaper.
Featured by splintered13
Suggested by MathieuOdin
Osokin's avatar

Your Choice is Your Way



Life’s greatest victories and worst failures are often the result of personal choices, the crossroad catalysts of life. In making these momentous decisions, you reveal where your trust is placed . . . either in yourself or in God. According to the Bible, there are significant consequences that result from choosing your own way instead of God’s way. For example, you are guaranteed foolishness when you choose your own natural wisdom (1 Corinthians 3:19), which inherently gravitates toward pride, coveting, and gratifying fleshly desires (1 John 2:16). You can expect deficiency when you ignore God’s ways and thoughts and, instead, choose your own perspective (Isaiah 55:8-9).

The Osokin's Gallery presents
Your Choice is Your Way WP
Photomanipulation and matte.

Program: Adobe Photoshop CS

Stock Images: sxc.hu

Resolutions details:
Widescreen (only)

1920 x 1200
Press Download to get the full resolution wallpaper.

No part of this artwork may be reproduced,
distributed, performed, publicly displayed, or made into a
derivative work without the permission of Alexander Osokin.

©2009 Osokin. All rights reserved

Image size
1920x1200px 2.13 MB
© 2009 - 2024 Osokin
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star-dream's avatar
neither of these paths is the answer i am looking for but they are both usefull. in good hands even poison becomes the cure and in bad hands even cure becomes the poison. that is all that mankind needs to know. if they were to recognize true value they would surpass all limitations and see things clearly and i beleive that is possible for this world because i see much beauty and wisdom running about. and i also see, cure in service of poison.. exactly because the true value is not understood, the elements of the path on the right seam necessery amongst the realm of left...

i don't regret choosing the way of my own and i do not choose either of these ways but a much better way, neither of these places shows to hold the surreal qualities i am looking for. my path however is of the nature of the one you placed on the left and the one on the right is good for scary stories and all sorts of harmless fun, only enriching life's beauty.

i'd rather observe this rendering as an interesting concept and not connect it to religion, exactly what i was speaking about above and i really should not be speaking about it at all. simply said, this is a good wallpaper and that is all i care about. i found it on softpedia, in the screenshot of a wallpaper randomizer software, kiwi random wallpaper. it was on my hard drive storage for long untill... i decided i want a high definition, wallpaper. figuring it was there as wallpaper in the screenshot, it must be existing as an actual wallpaper. i liked it so i decided to explore the web for it and... i am gratefull that i have found it in perfectly satisfying resolution and in the JPEGView image viewer, it is shown with the true level of quality. for this i might be perceiving here a piece of the true value that i am speaking about. you have created something interesting the value of which in my life i am yet to estimate. but good anyway.

oh, by the way, the wallpaper looks more true to me when mirrored. doing so i have also noticed the child leans to the right way.. : D good for him. lol pun sort of intended..