Tank and Bobosoa-akiondtuade on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/osoa-akiondtuade/art/Tank-and-Bob-92286507osoa-akiondtuade

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Tank and Bob

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Here are my oldest characters, Tank and Bob.  I did it whith watercoler (as nerely all of my colored pictures). A short history of how they developed is this:  Bob was created first.  He was a human then, and I kept his idea all this time. He began as a paper doll.  Tank was created as someone who represented me in the many notes I passed whith my friends. Now, I've grown more toward him and try to make his features entirely like mine (when I dress for the occasion however). I also felt like I should have had an older brother so I brought Bob back not too long ago.that wasen't short, but it was as short as I could get it! PS I forgot to colour Tank's pants!...sorry...
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1528x1192px 332.62 KB
© 2008 - 2025 osoa-akiondtuade
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Not sure why but this popped up on my feed as a new post. Made me remember all your great work. Really loved all of it.