Manidens condorensis skeletal reconstructionornithischophilia on DeviantArt

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Manidens condorensis skeletal reconstruction



Skeletal restoration of the Heterodontosaurid Manidens condorensis from the Middle Jurassic of Argentina based on the holotype specimen MPEF-PV 3211. Gray areas are unpreserved portions of known elements, scale in centimeters. I don't think Pol et al's skull reconstruction works, the maxillary and dentary tooth rows don't occlude the way they've put it together- the rear half of the dentary teeth chew on air, as does the front half of the maxilla. Moving the maxilla back and under the jugal lets the teeth occlude, and gives us room for the characteristic diastema for the dentary fang. The left and right nasals and frontals are fused, so this specimen is probably close to adulthood, making it one of the smallest adult ornithischians, maybe even THE smallest.
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1298x532px 78.54 KB
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ijreid's avatar
Thanks for illustrating this. It is much easier to illustrate dinosaur requests when you can find a skeletal. PS: feel free to vote [… here] if you have any dinosaurs you want illustrated. Great work :D