ornithischia's avatar


cheeky and beaky
Years Ago
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Comments 39

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may i suggest renaming the Iguanadontian folder to Ornithopods?
just feel like it would make more sense is all
Can you please move my Chialingosaurus piece? I put it in "Ceratopsians" but should go in "Stegosaurs".
thanks for letting me join
Pardon, but Saltasaurus is not an Ornithischian
To everyone putting Hadrosaurids in the "Other Ornithischians" gallery--Hadrosaurids are Iguanodontians. They belong in the "Iguanodontians" gallery, not "Other Ornithischians."
On the Discovery Science Channel on Wednesday.

6am When Dinosaurs Ruled China
7am When Dinosaurs Ruled
8am When Dinosaurs Ruled: Birth of Giants

All times listed are for Eastern Time.