Tutorial knitted polymer clayOriginalBunny on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/originalbunny/art/Tutorial-knitted-polymer-clay-193018335OriginalBunny

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Tutorial knitted polymer clay



this is tutorial for mimicking reverse stocking stitch.

step one: extrude strands of the desired thickness in your chosen colour and cut lengths of about 2.5 cm with a craft knife or a tissue blade.

step 2: take one of the cut lengths and push the ends together to form a loop. repeat.
group the loops together as shown.

step 3: take a length of extruded clay and lay it across the group of loops as shown.

step 4: using the back of the blade deeply indent the clay making sure the indents are aligned with the centre of the loop.

step 5: i flatten the tails of the loops with a cocktail stick. this ensures each line of loops will lie reasonably flat. if you are making long lines you will need to do
this bit at a time. be carfull you dont mark the 'stitches' with your fingers/nails as you roll the cocktail stick.

repeat steps 1 to 5

step 6: place one line of stitches overlapping the flattened tails of the loops.

you can use this effect on its own or experiment with knitted cables, plaits etc.

if you have any questions or anything seems unclear please dont hesitate to ask : )
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1416x640px 133.14 KB
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10/301 second
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Date Taken
Jan 10, 2011, 2:55:57 PM
© 2011 - 2025 OriginalBunny
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