Rainy Day MonotanyOriana132 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/oriana132/art/Rainy-Day-Monotany-62435215Oriana132

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Oriana132's avatar

Rainy Day Monotany



This was my final project for 3D design.

I was inspired by a rainy day on campus - everyone pulled their umbrellas down low and walked about in their own little umbrella worlds, never talking to or interacting with anyone. And then I realized that even if it weren't raining, things would be the same - people walking in circles, day after day, in their own little umbrella worlds. So I made walking umbrellas...cause that's what we all really are. Umbrellas with legs. Stop laughing. -_-;

The legs are made of sculpey, the unbrellas are good ol construction paper, and the base is lazy susan with foam board on it. You can't see it in the pic, but there's some detailing that looks like a circle of leaves around the base.

Btw, I got some ODD looks carrying this around campus. I actually ran into my boss when I was carrying the three pairs of legs before I put on the umbrella parts. She gave me this 'I don't want to know' look...yeah. Fun times.
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730x550px 478.44 KB
© 2007 - 2025 Oriana132
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LocationCreator's avatar
Lovely idea! Very worthwhile. It certainly caught my eye.