OrcaOwl on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/orcaowl/art/Rorik-the-Aerodactyl-205853281OrcaOwl

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OrcaOwl's avatar

Rorik the Aerodactyl



My first pokemon for entry of the group #PMD-Explorers. This is Rorik. He's an Aerodactyl in the Rogue Guild (:

I don't really have much to say about him right now, but I'll definitely post some information about him once I draw his team partner and fill out this application [link]

I'll be drawing more of him and his yet-to-be-designed partner in the future :D

EDIT: Re-submitting this old artsie because I recently took this out of storage. (And PMD removes stored deviations...) My Act 1 app is here: [link] and I am in the process of filling out the Act 2 app and I'll be entering the next mission with Rorik and Skyla!
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972x864px 149.43 KB
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fauxpawzcreations's avatar
I named my Pidgey Rorik in my Soulsilver playthrough, and I just searched the name and I was surprised to see someone else had the same idea xP Great drawing, by the way :DD