[Col-005] A-MAZE-ing [T-671] by OrangeishSherbert, literature
[Col-005] A-MAZE-ing [T-671]
A maze, hm? Buffy could handle a maze. In fact, she quite thought that she would be…amazing at it. She watched as Puzzle, looking utterly and completely proud of herself welcomed her to the challenge. Well…she could do better. She could do better than anyone. If this was about speed….she had that. Hadn’t she run from dinosaurs? She could run from anything.
Or, rather. She could skate from anything.
There might not be any phasing or flying around but….she hadn’t said anything about skating, and Buffy refused to not use her best asset. When she got into the maze, the Treatling looked around, surprised at how…complex it all seemed.
At least it would be a challenge…that was…a good thing, she supposed.
Still, she still wasn’t worried, and in fact…it wasn’t until she hit her sixth dead end that she began to feel that maybe this maze didn’t even have an exit. That maybe this was all some cruel joke and she would never get out of here. Would it be against the rules to just….try to smash