8 things about your character Meme

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OptimusPraino's avatar
Hi there, people!

OP here again. Haven´t been around much these days so please forgive me in advance for not tagging other people here, but feel free to tag yourselves if you´re into these memes!

Tagged by :iconspacehoneys: 

1.) Post the rules.
2.) Post 8 facts about your character.
3.) Tag 8 other characters.
4.) Post their names along with their creator's avatars

Meet Katastrophe by OptimusPraino

1. Katastrophe is Kollission´s evil doppleganger from an alternate universe.

2. Katastrophe still hasn´t shown up in any comic but his portrait is quite popular.

3. Katastrophe was born out of one of Jonathan Gate´s ideas for cosplaying the character I just always go ahead with any design he can come up with and I write it into canon one way or another.

4. His name is another "extreme" word spelled with a K just as Kollission, since evil or not, Daniel (Kollision´s real ID) isn´t exactly classy or smart.

5. Katastrophe has many metalhead nods and carries a guitar around...to pick up chicks...EVIL chicks...but he can´t really play it. But no one dares to call him on it. Because he´s eeeeevil.

6. Oddly enough, Kollision does plenty of spidey hand gestures while using his powers while Katastrophe does the classic metal horns.

7. Katastrophe is one of MANY alternate universe versions of Kollission that will show up in the comics, some from alternate dimenions and some from different timelines. 

8. While Gatablanca is indifferent to Kollision, she has very bad vibes coming from  Katastrophe and goes claws out at him whenever he shows up.
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