oORiddleOo on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/ooriddleoo/art/Team-Sonnet-App-445671458oORiddleOo

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Team Sonnet App



Ridlay retired from the team post the Basalt Halls Dungeon! See also, "A Demain". Kima has joined the team in Ridlay's place- See also, "Knead to Know".


These guys are always open for:

:bulletred: Cameos - Drawn or written, no need to ask

There are smudges on the sides of the application because Adrian got chocolate and ink stains on it during Plum Pudding's written app.

"Sonnet" was chosen as the team name because son sounds like sona and because a sonnet is a type of writing (sort of).

:bulletblue: Stardust :bulletblue: 

*Belongs to mariofrog4*

Mindset: Early adolescent

Height: 2'1" (On all fours)

Weight: 32 lbs

Birthday: October 26th

Favorite Color: Purple or blue

Favorite Food: Torchic

Alignment: Neutral Good
Goals in Life: Become a great drawer! :icondrawerplz:

Biggest Fear: IDK but I'm betting on abandonment personally It turned out to be fire. Who knew?

Idle Habits: Humming

Deadly Sin: You don't ask 

Heavenly Virtue: a young lady

Greatest Weakness: such things

Allergies: None
:bulletpink: :iconwatertypeplz: Muddy Water - A wave made up of water, mud, and paint begins at Stardust's forepaws, growing larger until it washes over her target.
:bulletpink: :iconghosttypeplz: Shadow Ball - Stardust fires a blast of shadow from her mouth.
:bulletpink: :iconicetypeplz: Ice Beam - Stardust fires a thin beam of ice from her mouth, with a chance of freezing her target.
:bulletpink: :iconnormaltypeplz: Sleep Talk - While asleep, Stardust may use one of her moves at random. Typically happens about an hour after falling asleep and yes you do this every single night, child!

Generally a cheerful, silly sort, Stardust has recently taken over as head of the team after her sister Ridlay retired. This has come with a bit of added stress, particularly at times when she has to keep Kima in line during her moments of distractions (the Piplup does tend to stare at random people she recognizes). But mostly it's actually Kima keeping Stardust in line when Guild assignments get exciting, so it all evens out in the end.

Not a lot of info on her at the moment! She has a couple of friends she hangs out with on occasion, but she doesn't go out of her way to make herself known by any means. Usually moves as a quadruped, but occasionally goes about on her wobbly hind legs.

Stardust is hoping to be an artist someday and seems to have an affinity for paint. She has a very special silver paintbrush, and its existence seems to weird out a certain small handful of citizens.

:bulletpurple: Kima :bulletpurple: 

Mindset: Late adolescent or so

Height: 1'1"

Weight: 7.9 lbs

Birthday: October 10th (She's actually older than Stardust, too)

Favorite Color: Stormy Blue-Gray

Favorite Food: Crépes with lots of powdered sugar

Alignment: True Neutral

Goals in Life: To become a great author! 

Biggest Fear: Going blind

Idle Habits: Can't stand being idle. Always tries to keep occupied.

Deadly Sin: Envy

Heavenly Virtue: Temperance

Greatest Weakness: Always in your face except when she isn't. Not the best with making friends. Occasionally talks to people she already knows, but doesn't have much interest in seeking out anyone else. Which begs the question of how she got her current friends in the first place.

Allergies: None (Oh, to be so perfect)
:bulletred::iconnormaltypeplz: Double-Hit - Wham! Pow! Blam ka-bam!
:bulletred::iconnormaltypeplz:Flail - This attack does more damage the lower Kima's HP.
:bulletpink::iconnormaltypeplz: Round - Kima sings a pretty song~ Her eyes glow gold while using this move.
:bulletpink::icondarktypeplz: Fling - Kima throws a nearby object at her target. To be honest, she'll probably miss. By a lot. But if it hits, the done damage depends on the object thrown.

Kima is a dedicated worker who usually sticks to herself, as she's far more interested in working on her personal projects than socializing with unfamiliar 'mon. She's almost always found in the presence of Stardust, and occasionally her quiet Treecko companion Ezekiel as well. She's currently working on several novels, but she's possibly more notable for her... interesting "job". When Kima takes a liking to someone, her go-to excuse for paying attention to them appears to be "Because you're in my jurisdiction zone" or the slightly-more-disturbing, "You're one of mine."

Apparently under the impression that she needs to help keep the world in balance, Kima heads out on occasion to keep tabs on those she considers interesting. She's probably delusional and considers life a little game, and pretends to live by a set of imaginary rules that "prohibit" her from "intervening directly" in the lives of her "friends".

Bit of an odd fellow, really! Nice, but undeniably a little off. I mean, for one thing, she'll only answer the first three questions you ask her, and refuse to answer anything else after that. For another, she likes to distribute "presents" to those "in her jurisdiction" she considers "worthy". Whether they're desired or not by the receiver isn't her business. She also claims to deal in a little future-reading fortune telling, probably because her father is a Xatu. I wouldn't trust it if I were you.

Kima keeps a special golden-feather quill pen in the fluffy collar about her neck. She's a simple being who doesn't get out in the city much, but when she does, it's surprising but not incredibly unusual for her to run into somemon who swears they recognize her despite never having met her before.

It may (or may not!) be worth noting that after the events of "Masquerade",
Kit has now moved in with Stardust and Kima (and by extension, so has Basildora). But they're in Geoda now, so that... doesn't apply, I guess.

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mariofrog4's avatar
Ohmygoodnes  Stardust eats Torchic Torchic