Natural Modern Energy: PrintOolongCha on DeviantArt

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Natural Modern Energy: Print



Here is the digital version.

Second project for Intermediate Graphic Design class was to make a brochure about renewable energy.

I went to hell and back for this one. I really like its layout and I'm very proud of how it turned out. My first ideas were nowhere near this final product and thanks to my professor's comments about it needing to be less cliche, I was able to produce this brochure. There's a surprise in every fold!

And it has taken me about 70 prints to get the alignment right. Be aware of this when printing double sided.

Huge thanks to ~ThaRazorsharp1 for helping me get through this bitch brochure.

Typefaces: Century Gothic, Garamond
Size: 15"x9" (flat), 6"x9" (folded)
Media: Watercolors, Photoshop, Illustrator
Image size
1020x1080px 201.9 KB
© 2010 - 2025 OolongCha
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Gitoku's avatar
This looks great! I agree with Afu, the "tabs" are really clever and the way they all line up to form the single picture of the power cable must have been stupidly hard to achieve.

I also like how you've highlighted the information by contasting the lighter backgrounds on the text-heavy pages with the darker backgrounds on each opposing page. It also creates greater depth when folded like that.

Also, have I seen those bird silouettes before on another of your artworks?