Plotting Your Own Story Structures
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I recently came across an article you wrote about the Gothic story structure. ... Your article was incredibly straight forward and informative. Do you have any resources you would recommend for aspiring ... authors to ensure they are hitting all the wickets? -- J
Sadly, there's not a whole lot out there on the different types of Plotting Structures. Most of what is available are somewhat...simplistic derivatives of Aristotle's 3 Act Structure for a Tragedy, Freytag's Pyramid, and The Hero's Journey based on Campbell's 'Hero with a Thousand Faces.'
Unfortunately, those structures only cover a small amount of very common, very basic stories.
Certainly not what I wanted to write.
So, what I did was outline the plots of some of my favorite stories from books and movies to figure out their plotting patterns. This is how I came up with the Gothic plot, the Fairy Tale plot, the Horror plot, and the Romance plot patterns.
(INTJ here.