I'm a rather friendly, but sarcastic human who doesn't know anything but think a lot.
I have an obsession for music, art and anything made with chocolate or garlic.
The ringleader of my own personal circus, the animals refuse to listen and the clowns set things on fire.
I usually solace from my everyday insanity and drama on the internet, preferably on deviantArt, Dragon Cave or Howrse.
Recently I've been busy fighting off the rabid WereRabbits using only my dragons & jars of dirt. Living off of cactus juice & Caf-Pows whilst tripping others during the zombie apocalypse.
So I'm sorry if I don't get to things in a timely manner, I'm trying my best. :3
Favourite Movies
Favoirte Genres: Horror, Comedy, Romance, Action/Adventure
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Favourite Genres: Everything! Rock, Pop, Hip-Hop, Classical, Country...
Favourite Writers
Shel Silverstein
Favourite Games
Spyro Series or WORMS 2
Favourite Gaming Platform
PS2, Xbox, Computer...whatever works
Tools of the Trade
Pencil, Paintbrush, Fingers, GIMP
Other Interests
Think of your top 5...Yep, we have some things in common.