
5932 deviations

202 deviations

270 deviations

That Feeling
42 deviations

Her ghost in the fog
2371 deviations

around the world
471 deviations

art collection
739 deviations

Abandoned Places - Death and Decay
99 deviations

486 deviations

127 deviations

255 deviations
You have been trained. What? Me?!
Coming back to check on my old gallery here on DeviantArt and according to statistics people sure clicked a lot of times on my paintings ... in the last 10 years or so.
That is nice and I am happy that my pictures have been seen by fellow humans and if there are some that got inspired to grab a pencil and create some art themself it would be excellent.
And Wow I see that my art has been been trained. All my work (and probably all the work of my fellow deviants) has been integrated in the most popular AI text to image generators so now everybody can make pretty pictures with no effort at all! And some extra lucky people even make a tiny bit of pocket money! They just stole all or our hard work and it is gorgeous! Hallelujah! A new era of endless pictures has arrived! What a plot twist!
Am I special now? Does it mean I am a real artist now? ... uh?
To be honest - I always knew that I was just feeding the machine.
All this time I was just feeding this THING.
Still feels weird to
7 deviations
DD Round up | Photography | May 2023
Here are the DDs I featured in May - general photography
I hope you always enjoyed my little contribution to making photography on DA even more beautiful.
Don't forget to comment, to :+fav: and to share your interest with photographers.
Who to send your DD suggestions
207 deviations

182 deviations

flying thoughts
70 deviations

29 deviations

The Sea and the Mermaid
79 deviations

The Piano
26 deviations

21 deviations
24 deviations

71 deviations

man-made structures
31 deviations

28 deviations

turning my back on you
24 deviations

digital art
8 deviations