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  • Deviant for 16 years
Llama: Llamas are awesome! (4)
Hi! This is an Onion Tou plz account. This is by :iconpatrengkee:, specially made for the club :icononionlovers:!You may use if you wish!~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Other accounts by :devpatrengkee::iconpkstamp1::iconpkstamp2: :devpkstamp1:, :devpkstamp2::iconpkstamp3::iconpkstamp4: :devpkstamp3:, :devpkstamp4:
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~RAwrCookye Oct 12, 2012 Student Photographer
You are now cursed. You must send this on or you will be killed. Tonight at 12:00am, by Bloody Mary. This is no joke. So don't think you can quickly get out of it and delete it now because Bloody Mary will come to you if you do not send this on. She will slit your throat and your wrists and pull your eyeballs out with a fork. And then hang your dead corpse in your bedroom cupboard or put you under your bed. What's your parents going to do when they find you dead? Won't be funny then, will it? Don't think this is a fake and it's all put on to scare you because your wrong, so very wrong. Want to hear of some of the sad, sad people who lost their lives or have been seriously hurt by this email?

Annalise [Surname Removed] :She got this email. Rubbish she thought. She deleted it. And now, Annalise dead.

Louise [Surname Removed]: She sent this to only 4 people and when she woke up in the morning her wrists had deep lacerations on each. Luckily there was no pain felt, though she is scarred for life.

Thomas [Surname Removed]: He sent this to 5 people. Big mistake. The night Thomas was lying in his bed watching T.V. The clock shows '12:01am'. The T.V misteriously flickered off and Thomas's bedroom lamp flashed on and off several times. It went pitch black, Thomas looked to the left of him and there she was, Bloody Mary standing in white rags. Blood everywhere with a knife in her hand then disappeared. The biggest fright of Thomas's life.

Warning... NEVER look in a mirror and repeat -'Bloody Mary.Bloody Mary.' Bloody Mary... I KILLED YOUR SON' Is it the end for you tonight! YOU ARE NOW CURSED

We strongly advise you to send this email on. It is seriously NO JOKE. We don't want to see another life wasted. ITS YOUR CHOICE... WANNA DIE TONIGHT? If you send this email to...

NO PEOPLE - You're going to die.

1-5 PEOPLE - You're going to either get hurt or get the biggest fright of your life.

5-15 PEOPLE - You will bring your family bad luck and someone close to you will die.

15 -25 OR MORE PEOPLE - You are safe from Bloody Mary
A driver is pulled over by a policeman.

Man:iconpervmonkeyplz:: :iconsaysplz:Is there a problem Officer?
Officer::iconkyleoniplz::iconsaysplz: Sir, you were speeding.
Man::iconpervmonkeyplz::iconsaysplz: Oh I see.
Officer: :iconkyleoniplz::iconsaysplz:Can I see your licence please?
Man: :iconpervmonkeyplz::iconsaysplz:I'd give it to you but I don't have one.
Officer::iconannoyeddotdotdotplz::iconsaysplz: Don't have one?
Man: :iconyoyorealysadplz::iconsaysplz:Lost it 4 times for drunk driving
Officer: :iconcomeatmeplz::iconsaysplz:I see...Can I see your vehicle registration papers please.
Man::iconyoyorealysadplz::iconsaysplz: I can't do that.
Officer::iconkyleoniplz::iconsaysplz: Why not?
Man::iconahemplz: :iconsaysplz:I stole this car.
Officer::iconannoyeddotdotdotplz::iconsaysplz: Stole it?
Man: :iconyoyosarcasmplz::iconsaysplz:Yes, and I killed the owner.
Officer: :iconshockplz::iconsaysplz:You what?
Man::iconmonkeyclap::iconsaysplz: She's in the trunk if you want to see.

The Officer looks at the man and slowly backs away to his car and calls for back up. Within minutes 5:icononionraceplz: :icononionraceplz::icononionraceplz::icononionraceplz::icononionraceplz:police cars circle the car. A senior officer slowly approaches the car, clasping his half drawn gun.

Officer2::iconguaahplz: :iconsaysplz:Sir, could you step out of your vehicle please! The man steps out of his vehicle.

Man::iconwhatsthatplz::iconsaysplz: Is there a problem sir?
Officer2::iconguaahplz::iconsaysplz: One of my officers told me that you have stolen this car and murdered the owner.
Man::iconwhatsthatplz::iconsaysplz: Murdered the owner?
Officer2: :iconguaahplz::iconsaysplz:Yes, could you please open the trunk of your car please.

The man opens the trunk, revealing nothing bar an empty boot.

Officer2::iconguaahplz::iconsaysplz: Is this your car sir?
Man: :iconwhatsthatplz::iconsaysplz:Yes, here are the registration papers.

The officer is quite stunned.

Officer2: :icononionpanicplz::iconsaysplz:One of my officers claims that you do not have a driving licence.

The man digs in his pocket revealing a wallet and hands it to the officer. The officer opens the wallet and examines the licence. He looks quite puzzled.

Officer2::iconguaahplz: :iconsaysplz:Thank you sir, one of my officers told me you didn't have a licence, stole this car, murdered the owner.

Man: :iconohnoyoudirintplz::iconsaysplz:Bet you the lying idiot told you I was speeding, too.
LOoool you got this :iconfreeinternetplz:
Hahaha! That is too good!