Im not exactly active here since dA eclipse pop out. Every species group by me are on hiatus no further update for activities.
contact me through my TH or Discord
Is it ok when making wip of a ref sheet, I grab some parts from other people’s ref sheets to help with anatomy. IS that ok????
sorry for my grammar 😭
for only study to draw as a reference its fine but do not 100% trace art form others thats bad idea
Alr alr i just do it for anatomy, i dont trace any of the features
heY- uh, I gotta question- so this guy- he was made by you and I got gifted them recently- I would just like to know if they're a closed species of yours or not, lol. Also your art is great :D
it was but i never make them official with sheet info~ so u can do wutsoever with them uwu
sorry late reply
thank q
*sends good feels*