Quick sketch requests(Tablet practice)

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OnHolyServiceBound's avatar
So, a little known fact is that I do all of my art with Mouse/Keyboard, which isn't all that efficient.
I've started using this drawing tablet, but I'm not quite used to it yet.
So I need some inspiration for some quick sketch/request practice. The tablet I'm using is cheap as hell and old to boot, so don't expect a big jump in quality lol.(It's mostly to limit wrist soreness)
1. Tekona Sketch by OnHolyServiceBound
2. Rauque Sketch by OnHolyServiceBound
3. Wolf Dragon Sketch by OnHolyServiceBound

Request away
(Watchers only, duh.)
ยฉ 2017 - 2024 OnHolyServiceBound
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victoria-fantasy-art's avatar
Oh my! :love: I've commissioned you before to draw Eilonwy, but I do have some other characters I'd love to see in your style! Here is Pyrus Ignatius, my fire-mage bard Dungeons and Dragons character :) Draw him if you feel like it! sta.sh/2459754v770