OnHolyServiceBound on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/onholyservicebound/art/Swamp-Witch-816374371OnHolyServiceBound

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Swamp Witch


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 “Vermin hags, or swarm hags, as they are referred to by some folk, are vile creatures that are drawn to swamps, caves and groves. Although they vary in appearance, all vermin hags have terrible personal hygiene and are constantly surrounded by flies. Over the course of years, they adopt various traits of vermin and rodents most dear to them: yellow fangs, black claw-like hands, various patches of irritated skin and hair, filth and fluids tend to build up in folds of their unwashed flesh.”

Commission for Windmill Slam Game's Kickstarter " Monsters and magic for Dungeons and dragons 5e ":  www.kickstarter.com/projects/1…
Image size
1600x2224px 3.59 MB
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SPsketchpad's avatar

Gives me witcher vibes <3