OnHolyServiceBound on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/onholyservicebound/art/Orc-and-Warg-691794962OnHolyServiceBound

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Orc and Warg


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An Orc hunter playfully baring his fangs to his pet warg, causing it to snarl in response(Basically teasing it)
Orcs have a special kinship with the warg, who they originally domesticated. Orc Hunters often use the Warg to charge and gore prey, once wounded the hunter follows through with the kill. 
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867x762px 679.13 KB
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adarkerlink's avatar
i really like how you did those fangs, for some reason the Orc looks more intimidating than the warg lol, that pair of tusks is an interesting detail, nice.