OnHolyServiceBound on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/onholyservicebound/art/Ogre-Runt-764988970OnHolyServiceBound

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Ogre Runt



Not all Ogres are the hulking 1000lb 10' beasts.   
Some are comparably lean, though still carry the bone structure indicative of their intended weight.   
This Grunts, or rather, runts, may be a result of Poor nutrition, lack of resources, youth/adolescence, or any combination of time/food equaling to their stunted or delayed growth, as well Some ogres simply lose the genetic lottery in terms of girth.(Or win, from a human perspective, as an ogre Runt is likely seen as a lot more preferable to the hulking obese monsters that are the average ogre)             
This Ogre Grunts/Runts usually make up the bulk of cannon fodder foot men, raiders, pillagers, etc. Though calling them a butcher is seen as a sign of disrespect to the butcher clans, they fight similarly, though usually with less skill and more brute force and speed.         
They stand around 9 feet 750lbs but can be even shorter and/or leaner than that.
More ogres:  
Ogre Soldier/Butcher by OnHolyServiceBound Ogre Basic Reference by OnHolyServiceBound Ogre Gourmet Sketch by OnHolyServiceBound
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