OnHolyServiceBound on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/onholyservicebound/art/Character-Portraits-for-Windmill-Slam-Games-858894527OnHolyServiceBound

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Character Portraits for Windmill Slam Games



An assortment of various character portraits for Windmill Slam Games:  www.kickstarter.com/profile/10…

Descriptions are as follows: 

Bouchelle - a beautiful, well-groomed half-elf jeweler who appears to be in her fifties.

Emmer - a balding, rough human man in his late forties.

Roderick - a muscular, friendly young human warrior with a long red Viking braid.

Delphine - a doe-eyed half-elf prostitute in her late teens/early twenties.

Mayhew - a devilish tiefling baker with curved horns who appears to be in his thirties.
Image size
2313x783px 1.49 MB
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EnyaTotem's avatar

A wonderful artwork! I have to admit, that Emmer really, REALLY reminds me of SOME very rough goblin, who appears to be in a BIG family of gangsters, remaining the one with not so much interest in business, but FIGHTS!

Every character seems to have an unique story to tell and I would love to meet them in a game!

I like how the coloring looks a little "filthy" and patchy, which seems to let the pictures look more realistic. Wonderful work!