Prose-ject: Little Prose 2020

3 min read

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OneWithTheStars's avatar

(I literally had this entire thing done--took two hours--and then realized I had created it in my personal journal writer and not the group one.  :stare:  I can't even copy and paste it from one to the other without a mass vomit of emojis mixed in with the text.  That doesn't include all the things that DON'T transfer over.  Eclipse, you still suck flaming charcoal nuggets and the separate literature and journal editors are collective, utter garbage).  :onfire:

Hello everyone!  :wave:  OneWithTheStars here for @@Prose-ject and welcome to the 2020 edition of Little Prose!

Little Prose (LP)

(Yeah, we still have no center alignment capabilities...)

July is National Flash Fiction Month, where many will continue the daily quest to write prose.  Between our last month’s challenge of Prose-ject 2020 and NaFlaFicMo, those participating might feel a bit sick of prose writing.  :faint:

But there’s good news!  Little Prose serves as a bit of a breather!  Born from the exhaustion of Prose-ject and with the simultaneous intention to begin ramping those up for the gauntlet that is known as National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo), we’re keeping it simple here this month (but just you wait for the STORM series coming in the next months :evillaugh:).  All you have to do is write a work with a minimum of 1000 words.  No prompts, no conditions, no further limitations or requirements.  Write a single one, or write several; the choice is yours.  Tiger La la la la

Here are some examples from participants from 2019's LP:


:bulletblack: Little Prose 2020 will run from July 1st, 2020 until August 1st, 2020 0000 (12AM) GMT.

:bulletblack: New works only.

:bulletblack: Original works only; no fanfics.  (That’s our December-specific challenge. :D).

:bulletblack: Abide by DA’s submission guidelines.

:bulletblack: Mature content is acceptable as long as it is filtered and abides by DA’s and our rules.

:bulletblack: Please submit your entries to our Little Prose folder. Alternatively, you may note them to @@kiwi-damnation, @@OneWithTheStars, or the group @@Prose-ject.

:bulletblack: The submission folder is open to members and affiliates only.  Consider joining the group!


:bulletblack: In your deviation description, please place the following:

          :bulletblack: A clickable link to this journal (for reference and advertising).

          :bulletblack: That it’s for @@Prose-ject’s Little Prose 2020

          :bulletblack: Any other pertinent information (i.e. prompts/tutorials used, references, etc).

:bulletblack: HAVE FUN!  :hug:

And for the shameless plugs:

:bulletblack: Tell other people about this challenge! Challenges are only as good as their participation.

:bulletblack: Participate! It’s always more fun when we get involved.  :)


Ask away! You can ask either @@kiwi-damnation, @@OneWithTheStars, or @@Prose-ject; someone will answer you!

:heart: @@kiwi-damnation, @@OneWiththeStars, the team at @@Prose-ject, and our beloved @@MagicalJoey F2U || Candle Bullet

We cannot wait to see what you will create!

Happy Little Tigers GIF - GIF
© 2020 - 2025 OneWithTheStars
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WindySilver's avatar

Funnily enough, I got another Little Prose entry done today, and it's set in the same world as the previous one! :dummy:

FFM 2020 20: Bonding