Genshiken ITB: Rockin' It Out!OmTivi on DeviantArt

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OmTivi's avatar

Genshiken ITB: Rockin' It Out!



Do not mind the silly title, my working title is even sillier.

The mascots of #Genshiken-ITB, Gen-tan and Gen-kun. = u = This is the full drawing for the x-banner for Comic Frontier/Comifuro at Gelar Jepang UI on July 7. I doubt any of my active watchers is Indonesian, but yeah. XD We're in booth C9 under the name Genshiken/IMG~ I don't have anything and have been out of touch with the rest of the ... group, so I'm not sure what we'll be selling, if any. :iconpapmingplz:

Yes it's today and I'm just submitting it (it's been done since Friday though, ask the people in #WorldTrain's main chat I've been nagging them with my whining HJKHSJKDH THANK YOU GUYS FOR PUTTING UP WITH ME), blame my (parents') Internet. OTL
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4200x6335px 5.83 MB
© 2013 - 2025 OmTivi
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Daeranilen's avatar
So I've already told you that this is friggin' amazing, but I feel the need to reiterate that it's, y'know, friggin' amazing. Especially the lighting. Especially all that lightning, like, holy shit, you really made the multiple light sources work. <3 And the keytar looks fabulous, by the way.

I wish you could see more of the guy, but since I know the style of banner this was for, I also know that the positioning can't really be helped. =u=

Great job, Om! I know how hard you worked. :icondojimathumbsupplz: