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13 Watchers33 Deviations

Shadows- The Original Story by Omlyt, literature

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Shadows- The Original Story by Omlyt, literature

Artist // Student // Varied
  • Sep 15
  • United States
  • Deviant for 11 years
  • She / Her
Llama: Llamas are awesome! (7)
I've seen it: It's Coming -- Stay Tuned!
My Bio

Hello humans! I am previously "Serenenighingale", but due to the fact that I am competing more often at conventions and I have a bit of a name for myself as Omlyt, I am now OMLYT.

Okay, so, welcome to my page! I'm a digital artist with a tablet, a writer, and a cosplayer. Of the two latter, you'll probably find little to no proof of which on here. That will change soon, as I am getting more into the cosplaying community.

So when I say I'm a varied artist, I'm primarily a traditional artist, but due to the fact that my scanner's a bit wonky, I have to ask someone to take a picture of it for me, and then I get to edit it to death. ^w^ Fun fun fun.

Despite the fun and games, I have next to nothing time to spend on art as of late. With school, tests, exams and other things, I'm mostly preoccupied. So, out of this bit of extra time, I write.

I do indeed go to anime conventions in the South Western part of Texas, the conventions being Anime Matsuri, Comicpalooza, San Japan, and possibly Oni Con. If you're interested in possibly doing a cosplay group or something of the sort, please refer to this and send a note. I'm all up for group entries on competitions and things- especially for San Japan.

Favourite Movies
Avengers, Rise of the Guardians, Avatar, Pacific Rim
Favourite TV Shows
Hetalia, Dr.Who, Blue Exorcist, Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood, Anohana, Beyond the Boundry
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Vocaloid, AshestoashesJC, Kiran Strange, JubyPhonic-P
Favourite Books
The Softwire series, The Perks of Being a Wallflower, An Abundance of Katherines, The Fault in Our Stars
Favourite Writers
Too many to list
Favourite Games
Journey, Final Fantasy XIII saga,
Favourite Gaming Platform
Tools of the Trade
Bamboo Pen Tablet, Sketchbook, colored pencils, Prismacolor markers and pens, water color pencils, sewing machine
Other Interests
Cosplay, reading, writing, drawing, dancing and sewing
So! I'm sorry for not being as active as I should be. I was working on my Agnes Oblige cosplay and it was frantic. What's funny is that I was supposed to be working on my watercolor painting techniques, but I ended up working on nothing but sewing- and now I've ended up with better sewing techniques and I feel like I can take on much more than I have in the past. Cosplays for 2014-2015  Riza Hawkeye      I'm rebooting this one so that it has the jacket, correct holster and BETTER PANTS. I recently pulled out the first attempt and I was surprised that I actually put that through competition. I'm really glad I'm working it on it again. Krist...
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Countdown: 23 DaysCosplay Lineup: Friday: morning-Fem!Germany/evening-Isabelle (Animal Crossing) Saturday: all day/contest: Agnes Oblige (Bravely Default Concept Art) Sunday: modern final fantasy photoshoot-Modern!Fang/rest of the day- regular clothes for the drive homeTraveling with: Kaci, Taylor, Drew and grandmotherMeeting up with: Brianna (:iconbewitchedcosplay:) and Ashley (:iconluaradawn:)Cosplay Progress: 60% done   Fem!Germany: Coat: Still have to dye Pants: Have Shirt: Have  Boots: Have Hat: Need to make  Isabelle: 20% done Wig: Still need to style Vest: Need Shirt: Need Skirt: Need Tights: Need Tail/Ears: Need to make  Agnes Obli...
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*screams* Summer's almost here and I haven't started on my stuff yet. >_<I'm changing my competition piece to Yun Fang again because I have a group I'm competing with now. ^w^ I'm redoing parts of her Sari, her boots and parts of the lance, if not all of the lance. For other days I'm going as Anges Oblige wa( and Fem!germany ( on Fang:  Sari: Completed Wig: Restyled Black Tank Top: Still needs to be cut Arm Warmers: Done Leggings: Obtaine...
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Profile Comments 13

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Goodness, thank you so much for the Llama! :D
Thanks for the fave! I didn't expect people to like my comic, honestly, so I figured I'd say thank you with a llama. ^W^
Well, you're welcome and thanks again! Hug
Thanks so much for the fav!
You're welcome. ^w^
Oya my dear ! :heart:
Thank you really much for :+fav: me I really appreciate it...

If you wanna follow me somewhere else, don't hesitate to have a look on my other pages : 
~ My Facebook Cosplay Page : 
~ My Youtube Channel (we always need new opinions :D - if you like Hetalia, it's better) :
~ The Youtube Channel page right on Facebook : 

Feel free to give me your pages, share and like my stuffs, it helps a lot :hug: !! 
Anytime ;)

Nope. Texas. Completely off. Sorry!