Omega-Warior's avatar


Grey fox with pencil...
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Deviation Spotlight

Deviation Spotlight

Delicious Cake: My, that's a delicious cake (1)
I Heart DeviantArt Gear: Proud supporter of deviantGEAR
Bronze Fragment: If this was the Olympics, you’d have made the podium!
Super Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (180)
My Bio
Current Residence: UK
Favourite genre of music: Movie Soundtracks
Operating System: Windows Vista
MP3 player of choice: Sony Walkman
Shell of choice: 8 inch artilery. Oh, wait, not that kind of shell ;)
Wallpaper of choice: My own at the moment...
Skin of choice: Green and lea... Oh, all Right, I'll stop with the jokes.
Favourite cartoon character: God knows, there are so many
Personal Quote: If this thing works, you'll be able to irritate hundreds of people you've never met!

Favourite Movies
Ironman! (goes into guitar solo)
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Favourite Writers
Chemical Paperclip
Favourite Games
Sid Meirs Railroad
Favourite Gaming Platform
Wii (weeeeeeee.....)
Tools of the Trade
Glue, paint brush, etc. Manga Studio, fine liner and sketching pencils
Other Interests
Warhammer 40000
In 1984, David Lynch's Dune opened with the words “A beginning is a very delicate time.” I would agree, but I'd top it off by saying that an ending can be far FAR more delicate, especially if it's for something beloved by millions of people around the world, all of whom want to see different things happen, and none of whom will be happy if they don't get EXACTLY what they want. Which leads us neatly into the last part of The Ballard of the Whills, and the end of the original Star Wars saga, The Rise Of Skywalker. It's, an ok title if you ask me, but that's not what we're here for! Let's get reviewing! THE FRANCHISE Ok, I covere
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As anyone who knows me knows, I'm British (sips tea, adjusts bowler hat etc). But what you probably don't know is that I didn't grow up with cable TV, or satellite, or any of that stuff. We had terestrial TV, a grand total of 4 channels (bumped up to 5 when I was in my teens), but only two of those channels had any real kids content for after school or weekend stuff; ITV and BBC1. I grew up with, some US shows, mostly cartoons, some other bits and bobs, but most of what I watched that was say, live action, was Australian (for some reason my childhood was full of Aussie shows like Round the Twist and Escape from Jupiter). Cartoon wise, however
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In 1966, it looked like the end of a great new show. Doctor Who, then in it's 3rd year, was about to loose the star of the show, William Hartnel, to failing health and memory. The title character would be unable to continue, and the show would have to end. Or, that would have happened, if one of the greatest literary ideas wasn't put into action. From this point onwards, the Doctor had a new ability, above and beyond his time machine, beyond his great intellect, but he would be able to regenerate, renewing himself, and allowing the series to continue! It was one of the most important events in the show's history, and should have been kept fo
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Profile Comments 1.1K

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Could you please re-upload all the art you have on your Twitter account onto your Furaffinity and Deviantart accounts including your sandy cheeks muscle growth videos please?

Thank You for the Watch!!

Thanks for the watch 👍

Dear Omega-warrior, before you get any rude surprises, I heard on the internet that Deviantart is considering deleting all art that is consider Not Safe For Work. So before that happens, you might need to back up all of your art/pictures onto a hard drive and move it all over to some other site/sites.

Thanks for the heads up. I tend to have all my old art backed up anyway, and as for other hostings, I also use Fur Affinity