ECCC Chun Li Print 2010Omar-Dogan on DeviantArt

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ECCC Chun Li Print 2010



This is the print that I did for Emerald City Comic Con 2010. it is an exclusive print and will only be sold there so far as i know the print run will be limited to 250.

More info : [link]

I have been trying to make my characters a bit more fashionable when they are not in fighting uniform and if I had more time i would do many pieces like this.

The city in the BG is Seattle. This Chun Li is a bit more on the cute side, more alpha ish that saw 3 where she is more of a vixen.

The Pencil line arts for this will be for sale at the convention, and i made sure that it is a one of my best pencil pieces in a while. The BG is drawn on there as well.

BW: 2h 2b 4b Pencil
Colour: Corel Photopaint 8
Image size
793x1200px 653.72 KB
© 2010 - 2024 Omar-Dogan
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The rare time she gets a vacation from Interpol duties...