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Omar-Atef's avatar

Heroes of the Storm



FINALLY!! This piece took me 4 months from start to finish, obviously I didn't work on it everyday, I took a lot of breaks when I got to a point where I hit a wall while painting so I studied what I needed to go on, total time spent actually painting would be around 100-120 hours! Yeah I know.. Well the reason I chose to spend so much in a single piece is simply because this is very special to me, for some Heroes of the Storm is just another upcoming game by Blizzard with some hype around it, well for me it stands for something more, some of these characters and the artists behind them resemble the main reason why I chose to become an artist and thereby my career. Some parts aren't finished yet but I'll probably leave it as it is because it's been one hell of a tough ride, The color palette is heavily inspired by my idol, Wei Wang's Battlecry Mosaic (My favorite piece of all time) I've learned A LOT while doing this piece so I'm glad I committed to finishing it. I'll be taking a break for a while and focus on oil painting. 

You're welcome to use/share this piece as long as you refer me in the credits or link this page.

Edit: 4-1-18, Retouched the overall colors a bit, along with a couple of faces.
Image size
2000x1125px 2.02 MB
© 2013 - 2024 Omar-Atef
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adonis627's avatar
And now Valeera's released. Great prediction!