Kemu Voxx Bootup ~ Wind-Up GodOLTDelete on DeviantArt

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Kemu Voxx Bootup ~ Wind-Up God



Well this was another one of Kemu's fan art that was originally a concept but is now a reality. After seeing the intro of Kemu's PV of "Wind-Up God" I thought to myself and said that I would be the person who would make a clear and downloadable version of it. AND HERE IT IS! So ENJOY!

P.S. ~ I use this to customize my computer a little more by making this the bootup video instead of the boring windows 7 bootup video and maybe you Kemu fans can do the same.

[Update: 2014-12-29]
This is a thing that can mess up your computer if done incorrectly, I HIGHLY suggest backing up your computer if something goes wrong. There have been many instances where I had to reinstall windows because of install failure. This sounds discouraging but if your up to the challenged the reward is well worth it. 

Alternative download link w/all original files:…
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Oh sorry I see the answer you wrote.