Deviation Actions
Integument based on Mayr et al. (2002), Lingham-Soliar and Plodowski (2010) with modifications.
Coloration based on Lingham-Soliar & Plodowski (2010), Vinther et al. (2016).
Bristles based on Mayr et al. (2002, 2016).
Body proportions taken from the SMF R 4970, the tail length reconstruction based on a comparison with another species of psittacosaurs. The head based on averaged and retrodeformed skulls of P. lujiatunensis.
05/11/2016 Update: tail bristles coloration.
Lingham-Soliar, T., and Plodowski, G., 2010, The integument of Psittacosaurus from Liaoning Province, China: taphonomy, epidermal patterns and color of a ceratopsian dinosaur: Naturwissenschaften, v. 97, p. <gisphone class="_gis-phone-highlight-wrap js_gis-phone-highlight-wrap-95d5190ded87e497ebe2e732e1bd9b7b _gis-phone-highlight-phone-wrap" data-ph-parsed="true" style="border-width: 1px; border-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.498039);">479-486</gisphone>.
Mayr, G., Peters, D. S., Plodowski, G., and Vogal, O., 2002, Bristle-like integumentary structures at the tail of the horned dinosaur Psittacosaurus: Naturwissenschaften, v. 89, p. <gisphone class="_gis-phone-highlight-wrap js_gis-phone-highlight-wrap-47b88301b01143f19287aecdda1e0f62 _gis-phone-highlight-phone-wrap" data-ph-parsed="true" style="border-width: 1px; border-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.498039);">361-365</gisphone>.
Mayr, G., Pttiman, J., Saitta, E., Kaye, T. g., and Vinther, J., 2016, Strucutre and homoloty of Psittacosaurus tail bristles: Palaeontology, p. 1-10.
Vinther, J., Nicholls, R., Lautenschlager, S., Pittman, M., Kaye, T., Mayr, G., Rayfield, E. & Cuthill, I., 2016, 3D Camouflage in an Ornithischian Dinosaur: Current Biology, v. 26, p. 2456-2462.
2 things. 1. we're meant to ask for perms to use something as a reference now? coz if so, deeply sorry to break that rule, but it aint being published so should be fine. 2. the head and back leg broooo. Huge pain in the donkey to draw.