Nothing new to report art wise. I've been enjoying the mobile uploading all my art projects from my phone. Don't how i went this long doing work the other way. It's great.
So what I can i say... nothing I haven't used this account for a long while. Things have changed since 2012 for one the world didn't end so there's that. No promises this year. I guess i wanted to start this up again because every so often I would look here someone would comment or I would use this for internet storage of a sort and figured it's time to add new work and hope to interact with people here. Well I'm off please leave comments or questions or just say hi. Thanks
Introduce yourself here A lot of Dredd art is in our faves Since many praise the movie Dredd (2012) as a faithful adaptation and awesome movie, please make sure to sign the official petition if you'd like a sequel.