I'm Back!

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OllieP's avatar
So, following my two-man show in February 2013—which went really well—I took a long break from painting seriously.

I was burned out from preparing the show and stepped away for a bit, but then found it difficult to return.It didn't help that I had ideas for new work and was planning to make a transition, but then attended the three Hamptons art fairs last summer and found that my ideas were pretty much exactly related to all the hottest new painting and art trends...and that kind of grossed me out. I had unwittingly been moving toward super slick, commercial work. Perhaps I was subconsciously trying to sell more paintings—who knows?

Well, I spent the last eight months taking lots of toy photographs and enjoying the hell out of it, but it's time to get back in the painting saddle. (Toy art may come later..we'll see)

I just posted "Succession," my newest piece for a show that opens this weekend, on Saturday, June 21 at the Jackson Carriage House in Amagansett.

Event listing here: events.danspapers.com/event/grand-royale/?event_start=2014-06-21

Next weekend, I'm in another show called "Irrational Portrait Gallery," featuring all these large photographs of the artists, by the inestimable Rick Wenner, printed on canvas larger than life. Artists then paint, etc on top of the photos. It's new Southampton Arts Center's (a brand new museum/cultural hub in the Hamptons) very firstmajor art show, and I'm really excited. Robert Edwin of FRESH Art Long Island set it up. I've worked with Robert and FRESH before, and I love what they/we do. Check out the show site at: irrationalportraits.com

Finally, Elisa Contemporary, my gallery in Riverdale, NY, is reprising its popular "Super Hero" show in a special Hamptons exhibition at The Design Studio in Bridgehampton this August. More on that to come.

So, I've got a full plate, but I'm thrilled to be back in the painting game.

If you want to check out my toy photos, visit my Instagram account @oliversees

Thanks for coming back and reading.

© 2014 - 2024 OllieP
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audreysmith's avatar
Welcome back! It is good to take a break now and again, though it sometimes doesn't feel that way, or it can be difficult to get back into the groove. Looking forward to seeing new work from you. Following on Instagram!