Spanish Civil Warolivier2046 on DeviantArt

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Spanish Civil War



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Theme : Spanish Civil War.

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OlivesandGrapeareok's avatar

"Érase una vez, en los campos de España, a war of self-destruction. Hermano against Hermano, Hermana against Hermano. A Great Civil War, lasting from the 17th of July, 1936 – the 1st of April , 1939, just before Europe entered another 6 years of pain. Spain would fight against itself. The FET y de las JONS, FE de las JONS, Requetés/CT,  CEDA, Renovación Española, and the Army of Africa on the side of the Military Nationalists. And the People's Army,  Popular Front, UGT, CNT-FAI, Generalitat de Catalunya, Euzko Gudarostea, and the International Brigades on the side of the Republicans. With the Government switching sides depending on who was winning. It acted as mostly a side show to Europe, but was a definite sign of the destruction to come. And Ironically lead Spain, and neighboring Portugal to be two duo Fascist states after years of the civil war. In 1939, General Francisco Franco would lead the Nationalists to victory, and would become the leader of a Fascist Spain. Despite being a military man, he chose to later to not involve Spain to much in the Second World War, to avoid future destruction that seemed inevitable for Spain. But ironically, the Spanish civil war is important to me, because of it not just being something that was coming for a long time due to Spain's falling influence on the world, and it's weaking social, economic, and political power at home. Not even because it was a literal war between Right-wingers and Left-wingers. But because in a sad way, it was one of the last Civil Wars, to not only last four years, but actually........ be concluded, ended, and with almost 100%...... peace. Thus, was the time, on the fields of España.