Intimate, touching, emotive VII

10 min read

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OliviaMichalski's avatar

This feature is for all the happy couples in the world. And for the good friends.

All I ever wanted was to be loved for who I am. For what I love, for what I need. I wanted to be loved for myself. 
But now I feel like this love is.. being torn apart by everyday-life. By fights, discussions.. 
But all I ever wanted was to be happy with my boy. 
I hope everything will be okay soon..
What do I need now?

It's love..
It's love.

Absorbed part 1 by roxxsc
Sarah and Dave by Peanut-DragonMy beautiful one by iNeedChemicalX
leah and zoey by payleyjean
it is so much heat, it is so much you by TumakovFalling, catching by iNeedChemicalX
you + me by kittysyellowjacket
the morning he drank the poisoned water by LauraZalenga
.... by mechtaniya
Only One.. by Khomenko
Friends forever by IllusionoftheDay
I have a beautiful wife.. by MoosiatkoLet's be lovers by bittersweetvenom
wedd by Sssssergiu
When You Smile at Me by Yingzunempty by wendy-in-neverland
Whisper `am I what your heart desires?` by deadlychris
Man and Woman by Yingz
noluyo lan by celilsezer
Justyna and Piotr10 by ElizaKPhotography
Love in the air. by Lukreszja
Bonnie and Clyde 2 by NataliaCiobanuAs light as feather by Yingz
Without You by NateKaranlit
Fairy Night by Marion-Volant
Real Life by DanOstergren
a Love story by diditzuluthese feelings won't go away... by justashadowleft

warm winter by LoveInMist
.op by caspell
Love is in the air by patrycjanna
about a perfect moment by LauraZalenga
Img 8350  by iuventawed46 by intete
Wendy and Jon by canuckgurl22
J + K Wedding by birdofdecadenceSpringtime. by kittysyellowjacket

_the romance III. by PurpureaPhotography
Fairytales are everywhere by iNeedChemicalX
warm winter by LoveInMist
Rays of Love by ShakilovNeel love by opriscoW e l c o m e T o T h e W o r l d B a b y L u n a by AliWithAnEye
Boat Kiss by FDLphoto
Auburn Kiss by FDLphotowedding photography by Sssssergiu

Field of Love by Alynny25We Are Family by mnoo
Under heaven's gate by knows-things
perfect moment by LauraZalengaLove in the cold by anneclaires
his world by Myra-cz
..ks.. by tbencik-photographyHold Close by EclipxPhotography

sitting on the roof by deepinswimWe're ready to begin.. by Khomenko
In your arms by jfphotography

Thank you for these beautiful artworks.

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© 2013 - 2024 OliviaMichalski
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norse19's avatar
Amazing, I just loved this so much. Thank you for putting it together.