Soul-Reflection - spiritual-artOlga-Kuczer on DeviantArt

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Soul-Reflection - spiritual-art



We are the reflection of our own thoughts, the creators of our reality.

Our feelings provide important clues about what we hold in our subconscious mind — what we really believe, deep down. Our feelings are the force behind the manifestation process, and we see things within others that we usually see within ourselves.
We can only love and accept others as much we love and accept ourselves.

Every person we meet in life is showing up at the perfect time in our lives to reflect something we need to heal within ourselves.
We are born to return to the remembrance that we are ONE. Everyone we meet has come into our path to help us to remember this.


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650x841px 570.91 KB
© 2014 - 2025 Olga-Kuczer
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