Widowmaker :NSFW optional:OlchaS on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/olchas/art/Widowmaker-NSFW-optional-616393743OlchaS

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Widowmaker :NSFW optional:



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This time I painted my main character I play in Overwatch - awesome Widowmaker in my fav skin :heart: rvmp  Very sad Blizzard nerfed this lady, but will play her anyway!!

My June patrons will get high-res image, NSFW version, step-by-step, psd-file and brush pack!
Widowmaker rewards

.:Bullet:. Patreon Support me on Patreon and you will get:

black heart bullet  access to all my posts, be the first who will see all artworks!
red heart bullet  full size images

black heart bullet  18+ content 
red heart bullet  
step-by-steps and psd files
black heart bullet  brush pack 
red heart bullet  tutorials and more!

Thank you all for your support!Huggle!


Dolly by OlchaS 
Commission: Yuu by OlchaS Tracer! by OlchaS Party Sonia by OlchaS Katarina :NSFW optional: by OlchaS

~Commissions info~

P.S. Important info: I had too much work so my commissions schedule changed a little! I'll be able to start painting all commissions 2 weeks later than I've planned! I'm really sorry for this delay!:cry: And thank you for understanding!
Image size
587x900px 85.95 KB
© 2016 - 2025 OlchaS
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Really awesome :)